Is It Better To Get Life Insurance Through My Workplace Or Independently?
Posted: November 7, 2020
Life insurance is part of the benefits package many employers offer their employees. This coverage can also be purchased independently. Buying life insurance through an employer can have both advantages and disadvantages for the policyholder. Pros and Cons of Getting Life Insurance Through the Workplace Pros Many employers offer a small amount of life insurance, known as basic group life, as a benefit to their...
What Do I Need To Do Before Buying Life Insurance?
Posted: October 22, 2020
Buying life insurance is an important financial decision. Not only can it help protect the loved ones who depend on you, but it can also serve as a useful financial tool. To help ensure you make the right decision, take the following steps before shopping for a life insurance policy. Determine How Much Life Insurance You Need How much will be needed in death benefits...
Is It Ever Too Late To Get Life Insurance?
Posted: October 7, 2020
Strictly speaking, it is never too late to buy life insurance. However, the longer you wait to purchase a policy, the higher your premiums and the more limited your options. If you wait too long, you may have to settle for a policy that is less than you want at higher rates. Why Buy Life Insurance Early? The younger you are when you buy life...